The roller is an important part of the belt conveyor, many types, large number. It accounts for 35% of the total cost of a belt conveyor, with more than 70% resistance, so the quality of the roller is particularly important.The role of the roller is to support the conveyor belt and material weight. The roller operation must be flexible and reliable. Reducing the frictional force of the conveyor belt with the roller is critical to the life of the conveyor belt, which accounts for more than 25% of the total cost of the conveyor. Although the roller is a smaller part in the belt conveyor, the structure is not complicated, but it is not easy to create a high quality roller.
Judge the roller is good or bad standards are the following: the roller radial runout; roller flexibility; axial movement.
Depending on the purpose, the rollers are divided into:carrier roller,return roller, impact roller, rubber disc return roller, rubber spiral return roller, garland roller, guide roller, cone roller.It can also be divided into three catagories:Carrier roller, Return roller, Impact roller.
Impact roller: installed in the conveyor under the material section, to reduce the impact of the conveyor belt to extend the conveyor belt life,it is used for the impact of the blanket on the conveyor belt, mainly for the coal preparation plant, coking plants, chemical plants and other corrosive environment developed a class of roller, which itself has Toughness is more than 10 times the ordinary metal, life of five times the traditional column shoes, corrosion-resistant flame retardant, anti-static, light weight and other characteristics, widely used in mining.
Trough roller:3 rollers+1 frame, it used for bulk material’s transporting.The notes of trough roller:
1)to prevent the conveyor belt load start.
2)conveyor belt deviation, should take timely measures to correct.
3)different types, the number of layers of the conveyor belt should not be used together, the joint is best to use glue method.
4)the type of buffer roller, structure, specifications, layers should be based on the use of reasonable selection.
5)the drum conveyor drive roller diameter and the relationship between the conveyor belt, drive roller, hoist to the roller supporting the roller and the requirements of the roller should be based on the design of the transport aircraft, a reasonable selection.
6)the feeding direction should be along the conveyor belt running direction, in order to reduce the material falling on the impact of the conveyor belt should be chute, reduce the material gap; conveyor belt by the material should be shortened roller spacing and the use of buffer roller For the leakage of material, the conveyor belt to adapt to the use of soft moderate baffle board, so as not to file board too hard, scratch the conveyor belt with the surface.
7) friction roller in use, if the roller is missing, should be added and repaired; roller is covered by the material, resulting in rotation is not working to prevent leakage of material in the cone between the roller and tape, pay attention to conveyor belt activities Part of the lubrication.
Roller should be used in the course of the appropriate adjustment roller roller bracket, if the belt always deviation, the side of the roller side of the roller should be moved in the direction of belt forward 1-2cm, or the other side of the roller bracket or rack is properly raised.